What I Learned in 2015

It is that time of year when I reflect on what has happened in the mobile (and web) space the last year. I learned a lot. Some trends and things I want to highlight are: Connectivity First of all, the community of web developers, companies and products caring about mobile and web has become really […]

Progressive Enhancement only a client side thing? No!

Jeremy Keith, wrote a brilliant article about progressive enhancement recently. I say «brilliant» because progressive enhancement makes total sense and I am all in on that. He is arguing that with progressive enhancement there is no «fall back» just enhancements for capable browsers (or in my book; user scenarios) and we need to change our […]

Real-life 4g mobile bandwidth

A national newspaper in Norway just recently traveled around Oslo to test 4g speed. They tested Telenor and Netcom with a Samsung Galaxy 4 Active using the app Ookla Speedtest. Even if this is not an extensive test, I think this illustrate the connectivity dimension quite well. Connectivity on mobile devices is dramatically different from […]