Video in Image Tags

I was really exited when I learned that Safari decided to support video content in image tags! It was scheduled for iOS 11.3 which was supposed to ship Safari 11.1 with all sorts of goodies. I’m not covering service workers here. I’m more exited about replacing animated gifs with mp4 video in <img> tags! Converting gifs […]

What Did I Learn in 2016

Time files! Good thing 2016 is over, right? Didn’t blog much last year either (I’ll just accept that I’ll never be much of a blogger), but luckily others blogged about all the good things that happened to web and mobile last year! Less work for me. Still, I’d like to pull out a few high-lights. […]

Instagram User-Agent

Native apps on mobile devices account for an increasing amount of web traffic. Facebook being the most popular «in app browser». Sometimes these apps provide some interesting information in the user-agent. Facebook does it, and Instagram does it. Here are some examples of how a user agent string may look like for Instagram: iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 […]

It is responsive, allright!

This tweet appeared in my twitter stream today: Posted without comment. Mainly because I’m speechless. — Rachel Lawson (@rachel_norfolk) July 7, 2016 I had to try the site And true, it did not work on mobile. Although the site was «responsive» as advertised, but no real content for me on my mobile device. Which […]