Google Bot, RWD and Units in Media Queries

I have a question: Google is kind of recommending RWD for mobile sites. Their crawlers are looking for stuff like this: @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) {…} in the css files. Fair enough…. But this media query uses pixels … While the ideal unit for RWD for mobile is ems. Question: Anyone know if Google […] – Adaptive Responsive recently launched a new design. All “responsive”. While the definition of “Responsive Web Design” is to use media queries, flexible images and fluid grids, Mashable, on others, are now using the term for any site which can adapt it self to different viewport sizes, but also devices, browser capabilities and other “contextual properties”. Wrong? […]

Change UX too, not only UI

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is getting a lot of traction as an easier way for content owners to get their stuff accessible from mobile devices. Being a mobile-old-timer, nothing pleases me more! Most online growth happens on mobile devices these days. We are really talking world domination. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had […]