Operator billing revival

PPK did an excelent job summarizing operator billing – charging the end user directly on his/hers phone bill. Known as CPA  (Content Provider Access) in some countries. Personally I have quite long experience with this stuff. Both from the carriers side and from the content owners  side. In Scandinavian countries we have been blessed with very […]

What does “iPad ready” mean?

Apple has published a list of “iPad ready” sites. Apparently these sites “looks and functions beautifully on iPad”. But do they really? Is this all that is needed to make usable web sites for the iPad; use the <video> tag instead of flash and leave the rest of the site as it is for desktop […]

Learn from Facebook!

The mobile event of facebook may have been somewhat “foggy” for some, but I think more content owners should learn from Facebook. Especially the tablet strategy and the focus on web as the platform, not a pile of apps. Erick Tseng said: the rise of tablets isn’t going to be about the iPad alone — we’re going […]

Had to comment on web vs. apps

I had to make a comment on an article in mobizmag.no. (The article is in Norwegian, so translated here) My point here is that it is not fair to compare apps and web directly and then try to predict which one is going to die. Apps are nice for some things and web is good […]

The forgotten issue on mobile web: connection.

As usual, much is happening in the mobile web space. Recent discussions of progressive enhancement, media queries, lazy desktop web developers, cool javascript frameworks etc. are all very good and bring the mobile web business to new levels. In my humble opinion, the missing link in this discussion is connectivity. The new trends in mobile web development […]

Apps on the iPad

I have said before that I believe 2010 will be the year of maintenance cost for iPhone apps. The iPad is the manifestation of this. Sure, an iPhone app can run on the iPad, but you really need to create an iPad version of the app to get the most out of it. With the […]

Directing mobile users to mobile site

It is becoming increasingly popular to automatically redirect mobile users to a mobile optimised site when accessing a desktop web url. This is usually done server side. For the more advanced browsers, the Safari on iPhone or Androids for example, you can also use a javascript to redirect the user. Such a script could look […]