jonarnes: @jeffsonstein +1. The real news is how everything is connected
jonarnes: @jeffsonstein +1. The real news is how everything is connected
jonarnes: @jeffsonstein +1. The real news is how everything is connected
jonarnes: @jeffsonstein Spot on! They better not be evil, now!
jonarnes: Google+ is a result of directors of all verticals in Google talking together and agreeing on making one product to rule them all.
jonarnes: Still 62% Feature phones in US, but 55% are buying a Smart phone. via @NielsenWire
jonarnes: OK, hangouts not available on mobile….. #google+
jonarnes: My hangout on google+ has not reached critical mass yet… only me
jonarnes: The Mobile Stats Daily is out!
jonarnes: Playing with Google+. Thx @archnasharma 🙂
jonarnes: RT @Futsaeter: The future of iPad/digital magazines – the six big questions
jonarnes: RT @erikstarck: RT @mobilezeitgeist: [Blog] Infografik: Is Nokia Dead? Not So Fast…