Mobile E-Commerce Infographic
Mobile E-Commerce Infographic | Microsoft Tag Blog.
Mobile E-Commerce Infographic | Microsoft Tag Blog.
jonarnes: The Mobile Stats Daily is out!
jonarnes: I’m at Caribou Coffee (7101 Democracy Boulevard, Bethesda)
jonarnes: The Mobile Stats Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @gsma_mbb @gigaom @netmarketshare
jonarnes: @andreatrasatti A transforming Nokia N950? Cool! 😉
jonarnes: Will the #Pre3 come unlocked? #Plannedavailabilitythissummer
jonarnes: @cozmiccorinne @sidneyeve Sure, they are cool, all I am saying is that QR is some times misunderstood.
jonarnes: I’m at Mobiletech US Office (1629 K st. Nw, Washington D.C.)
jonarnes: Something is horribly wrong with the mental model and the metaphors we try to implement with #QR codes.
jonarnes: “@sidneyeve: Death to the QR Code?” Yep, IMHO, in most cases QR is the wrong implementation to achieve the goal.