jonarnes: Love that definition!! RT @crystalgardner: Responsive web design = Websites that meet you where you are #aea
jonarnes: Love that definition!! RT @crystalgardner: Responsive web design = Websites that meet you where you are #aea
jonarnes: Love that definition!! RT @crystalgardner: Responsive web design = Websites that meet you where you are #aea
jonarnes: RT @labs_finn_no: Webstatistikken for mai 2011: iOS vs Android, IE9 vs Firefox4, En milliard sidevisninger!
jonarnes: @grigs OK, so I am not missing out on anything, then 😉
jonarnes: @grigs Thx 🙂 should have known that. You speaking?
jonarnes: @amyfriemoth Thx, keep the tweets coming 🙂
jonarnes: @andreatrasatti 🙂 true. I need a team to take care of me. Send me where I should have been, read my emails and stuff 🙂
jonarnes: @thewebkaiser Ah! stupid me! I should have known 🙂 Thx 🙂
jonarnes: Ok,,, seems like interesting things is going on at #aea, 1) what is #aea?? 2) Why am I not there?
jonarnes: argh… Hate voice controlled automated phone services !! Die!
jonarnes: The Mobile Stats Daily is out! â–¸ Top stories today via @nngroup @millennialmedia