jonarnes: @MAMK …and you are running at the speed of a train…. ;)
jonarnes: @MAMK …and you are running at the speed of a train…. 😉
jonarnes: @MAMK …and you are running at the speed of a train…. 😉
jonarnes: @MAMK Watch out for the trains. you are running on the tracks. 🙂
jonarnes: ahh…. disk is full… 🙁 email is the sinner…
jonarnes: @fling @grigs well, you have a camera on your phones… 😉
jonarnes: Thank you #mobilism for a great conference. (@ Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) w/ 44 others)
@ Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) – Thank you #mobilism for a great conference.
jonarnes: Perfect storm (@jmspool)
1) sturgeon’s law
2) market maturity
3) activity/experience
4) Kano model
jonarnes: RT @stephenhay: Kudos to my partners-in-crime @ppk and @krijnhoetmer who put on a fantastic #mobilism
jonarnes: RT @harloff: #mobilism sturegon’s law : 90% of everything is crap
jonarnes: @grigs cool 🙂 happy to contribute! Looking forward to the video.