jonarnes: @drewb would probably be issues with connectivity anyway due to overloaded network
jonarnes: @drewb would probably be issues with connectivity anyway due to overloaded network
jonarnes: @drewb would probably be issues with connectivity anyway due to overloaded network
jonarnes: RT @drewb: Mobile phone signals at Westminster Abbey will be blocked tomorrow. No live tweeting the #royalwedding vi …
jonarnes: 50% of recent smartphone buyers are now picking an Android phone (US)
50% is now picking an Android phone. U.S. Smartphone Market: Who’s the Most Wanted? | Nielsen Wire.
I guess the smartphone is not that personal and private after all. Especially when it comes to app downloads. 🙂 Chart from Nielsenwire
jonarnes: 64% of US mobile consumers DOES NOT have a smartphone.
jonarnes: Thx 4 RT “@mobidaily: The mobile-influencers Daily is out! ▸ via @phonedog_aaron @ew4n @jonarnes @rich_wong”
jonarnes: The Mobile Stats Daily is out!
jonarnes: 31% of US consumers who plan to get a new smartphone indicated #Android was now their preferred OS via @nielsenwire
jonarnes: The Mobile Stats Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @asymco