Smartphones more important than tablets.

Came across a very insightful article from Its in norwegian, but you can read in translated by google here. Some say it might be stating the obvious; that smart phones are more important for the media industry than tablets. I say obvious, because it is really a question about counting and simple mathematics even I can understand:

And if you take a ride on the bus, train, tram or subway, you will surely see that there fiddling with at least ten smartphones per newspaper, 30 smartphones per laptop, and at least 100 smartphones at this level. Does not the industry for immediate income potential is?

The advice is:

Add heads together and create “total packages” that are interesting to pay for and spend time on. Full articles  online and offline, full archive-access with search that work, benefits in the form of discounts and invitations, as well as music, games and contests are good starting points. Make clear distinctions between the full package and free / web solutions.

Agree, and it’s not about the tablets, it is about mobile access to content.

EDIT: Was looking for this Gartner statement when writing the above. Could not find it intil now. On top of Americans wish list; yes, a smart phone.

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