jonarnes: The Mobile Stats Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @asymco @localytics mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @ppk numbered collector items in massive gold? ;) Looking forward to the event! (…and the badges) #mobilism mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @trygve_lie great :) Won’t be able to join tonight :( Arriving tomorrow morning. See you there! mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: Just #Blogged: «Next steps of Responsive Web Design» #RWD #UX mai 11, 2011 stream
Next steps of Responsive Web Design mai 11, 2011 mobile thoughts css3html5mobile firstprogressive enhancement
jonarnes: RT @TimHolley: «Virality is not a strategy. It’s a consequence.» @OrenJacob #StanfordBEST mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: 10 Ridiculous iPhone Accessories [PICS] via @mashabletech @mashable mai 11, 2011 stream