jonarnes: @Radar_tty @grigs No, think it will happen rather soon in open source CMS like WP, joomla! and drupal mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @anupamsahain True. Performance and caching etc. are issues to be solved. mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @grigs :D Thank You! I put a lot of hard work and thought into that! :) mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: RT @yeswap: RT @EricssonLabs: 49% of Indians only access web through mobile – TNW India – mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: RT @bdconf: Nearly 60% of mobile users get content through a browser, some interesting ad click stats too – from @ … mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @thewebkaiser …And 13500000000 searches from mobile devices pr month. /cc @lukew mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: Hm… Leaving for #mobilism tomorrow morning, meaning I’ll miss @lukew ‘s presso. mai 11, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @bryanrieger Hope we get the chance to meet during #mobilism! Looking forward to it. Meanwhile, enjoy Ams mai 11, 2011 stream