jonarnes: RT @bdconf: Want to speak #BDConf but don’t have the experience? NEW Fresh-Squeezed Mobile -a glass of YOUR fresh ideas! mai 27, 2011 stream
jonarnes: lol “@lukew: This is a first-launch experience of a popular highly-rated camera app on Android via @twitpic” mai 26, 2011 stream
jonarnes: ROFL “@bryanrieger: «…using your iPhone looks a bit like you’re masturbating a hamster.» – #refreshedi” mai 26, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @Zipcar Do you offer any temp solutions for us needing a Criminal Record Certificate? mai 26, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @throndsen sure! lesson #1: Criminal Record Certificate is needed for us Norwegians… mai 26, 2011 stream
jonarnes: LOL “@GannettDigital: «53% of youngsters would give up sense of smell to stay connected» – How important is it you?” mai 26, 2011 stream
jonarnes: @andreatrasatti @mobile20 Yes, but changing focus a bit from last years I see? mai 26, 2011 stream
jonarnes: RT @jeffsonstein: interesting numbers on Twitter & other services mai 26, 2011 stream